Delivered order to Kenya- vertical autoclave 100L hand wheel door

Delivered order to Kenya- vertical autoclave 100L hand wheel door, Product Details:

Autoclave with rapid cooling, optional drying option. The advanced laboratory range provides a single solution for a variety of sterilization needs, including liquids, media, instruments, glassware, plastics, pipette tips, biological waste, contaminated media and other laboratory items. Autoclaves are suitable for a variety of applications. Users can choose to add the required functions according to the intended use of the sterilizer. State-of-the-art range of laboratory autoclaves in unrivaled floor-standing models with chamber capacities from 35 to 100 liters

If you would like to learn more about our  vertical autoclaves or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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